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Most of Raz's cinematic works can be categorized as experimentals. The main focus in these experiments is mostly the graphical arrangement of shots and the use of sound effects and environmental sound (cinematogrphic soundscape). The trace of cinema and cinematographic approach is what can be clearly seen in her photography, the photos are in relation and generally should be read and reviewed in succession. 


La mite is a combination of still shots and photos represented as a cinematographic work. All and all it's a long time practical research of using and combining various modes of artistic experssions which here undoubtely are cinema and photography. 

Raz's academic research are mostly concentrated on the very subject of "Sound in cinema", the effective role of sound in creating a believable narrative atmosphere and recreating a sense of reality. In her first academic attempt, explored the narrative role of sound and practically examined the theory of using sound and darkness at the opening sequences of the moving picture.

The idea is that using sound and darkness together in the opening scenes of a movie would activate imagination of the spectator and this would assist him in pre-illustrating the narrative atmosphere which has not been represented on the screen yet. This deactivation of the visual sense most easily can be achieved through using darkness, images without any considerable movement or the usage of still images and it's quite close to the idea of using photography and sound  in a cinematographic mode of representation. This means activating the hearing sense of spectator through temporarily deactivating the visual sense.


Concentration on sound is also achievable through visual repetition, that's the exact subject that is studied in the academic research that Raz has done till now. 

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